Yikes! Look who just endorsed Obama for 4 more years
US Comunist Party accuses GOP of “racism, lies, and economic sabotage” as they give their endorsement for President Obama
Congratulation on your Recent Communist Party USA Endorsement, Mr. President
Posted by Aaron Klein 9:37 EST August 03, 2011 on WND
It may be early in the campaign season, but the Communist Party USA already has seen fit to endorse Barack Obama for the 2012 election.
While noting he is disappointed with "some aspects" of the Obama administration's domestic and foreign policy, Sam Webb, chairman of the Communist Party USA, threw his support behind Obama's re-election bid.
In an article last week at People's Weekly World, the official newspaper of the Communist Party USA, Webb discussed the need for a third party consisting of the so-called working class and labor as well as "racially and nationally oppressed people, women, youth, immigrants, seniors, gay and straight." Webb, however, recognized that such a party is not likely to emerge by next year.
"Millions who have to be at the core of this party still operate under the umbrella of the Democratic Party, albeit increasingly in an independent fashion," he noted. Webb said that for communists there are major differences between Democrats and Republicans. He urged his supporters to continue to back the Democrats. Wrote Webb: "Neither party is anti-capitalist, but they aren't identical either. Differences exist at the levels of policy and social composition. And despite the many frustrations of the past two years, the election of Barack Obama was historic and gave space to struggle for a people's agenda."
He argued that to separate from the Democrats now "would be contrary to our strategic policy of building maximum unity against right-wing extremism now and in next year's elections." Continued Webb: "We are keenly aware of the fact that the agenda of the far right is to bring this administration and country to its knees, with a heavy dose of racism, lies and economic sabotage, setting the stage for a full blown return to power of the most reactionary, racist, anti-labor, anti-women, homophobic and militarist grouping in U.S. politics."
"We want no part of that," wrote Webb. "We don't have any illusions about the Democratic Party, but we don't have any illusions about the Republican Party either."
Webb concluded: "Furthermore, we are also aware of the undeniable fact that no other party besides the Democratic Party stands a chance of beating the GOP next year."
Communist party covers up support for Obama

An article posted on the party's official website on Dec. 30, 2007, previously stated, "Our Party actively supported Obama during the primary election." The article was referring to Obama's 2004 election to the Senate. It detailed how the African-American community and trade unionists played key roles in defeating the "ultra right."
"This was also reflected in the historic election of Barack Obama. Our Party actively supported Obama during the primary election," stated the article, a screen shot of which was captured by the New Zeal blog. The website has since been scrubbed of the reference to the Community Party USA aiding Obama, with the article now reading simply, "This was reflected in the historic election of Barack Obama."
WND previously reported the official magazine of the Communist Party USA had lauded the important role of labor unions in electing Obama to the presidency in 2008.
The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations, or AFL-CIO, sponsored a poll showing union members supported Obama by a 68-30 margin and strongly influenced their family members. According to the survey, Obama won among white men who are union members by 18 points. Union gun-owners backed Obama by 12 points, while union veterans voted for Obama by a 25-point margin. In the general population, Obama lost these groups by significant margins.
Political Affairs, the Community Party USA's magazine, quoted AFL-CIO President John Sweeney, a longtime member of the Boston chapter of the Democrat Socialists for America, expressing hope labor unions can continue working with Obama. "The election is just step one in delivering the change we need," Sweeney said. "Working men and women are poised to keep the energy pumping to help the Obama administration lead the change we need. There will be no gap or letdown."
The communist magazine said priorities for labor unions are "regulating Wall Street and restoring fairness to international trade," as well as "health-care reform" to provide coverage to "nearly 50 million people without insurance and make medical care affordable for all."
Communists map out Obama agenda
Immediately following the November 2008 presidential election, WND reported the Communist Party USA mapped out policies crucial for Obama to push through in his first term, including a "single payer" socialist health-care system; laws to make joining a labor union easier; raising the minimum wage and increasing labor union support.
In May 2009,WND reported the leader of the Communist Party USA declared that with Obama as president, healthcare and the economy can be "reformed," U.S. troops can be evacuated from the Middle East, a second stimulus bill can be passed, the criminal justice system can be overhauled and union rights can be expanded.
Obama's posse

Van Jones - friend, communist, socialist, Marxist, ex Obama czar, allowed to quit staff without criminal prosecution or reduction of retirement benefits

William Ayers, a onetime leader of the Weather Underground terrorist group that committed dozens of bombings and other violent crimes between 1969 and 1975
Bill Ayers Has Ties to At Least Ten People in The White House Administration, Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, David Axelrod, Valerie Jarrett, Kevin Jennings, Anita Dunn, Arne Duncan, Martha Kanter, Vartan Gregorian and Cindy Moelis.
Obama and Ayers served together as (paid) board members of the Woods Fund, a leftist Chicago foundation, and appeared jointly on academic panels, at least one of which was organized by Michelle Obama. Ayers would even donate money to one of Obama's political campaigns. Pretty scary considering both Ayers and wife and fellow former Weather Underground terrorist Bernardine Dohrn remain publically unrepentant for their terrorist attacks against the United States.

Bill Ayers during his "bomb making" career with the Weather Underground terrorist group between 1969 and 1975 "I don't regret setting bombs," Ayers told The
Are there more?
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