"I remember someone asking me at a Christmas party after the 2008 election what I thought an Obama presidency was going to be like. My response: "I think it will be a socialist nightmare - but Republicans have only themselves to blame."
What I meant by that statement was simply that on too many occasions, the GOP nominates its oldest, lamest, most liberal candidate available, one who attempts to sell himself to the party as the next Ronald Reagan. It happened in 1988, when Republican primary voters selected then Vice President George H.W. Bush, who claimed for himself the mantle of the Gipper's third term. We all recall how well that worked out: "Read my lips," remember?
Then there was Bob Dole, who had already tried for the presidency twice before and was 72 years old when the party finally decided it was his turn to be their nominee. His lackluster campaign in 1996 could not even capitalize on the historic Republican Revolution to bring down a president whose policies had been repudiated by voters just two years earlier.
George W. Bush was only marginally better than his father. Both were big government Republicans. The father taxed too much and the son spent too much. The Medicare prescription drug program, though it has since been dwarfed by Obama's health care takeover, was another open-ended boondoggle. He left the border wide open to an invasion of illegals, and he left his party in shambles when he handed it over to the latest 72-year-old raging GOP moderate, John McCain, who had about as much chance of beating Barack Obama as I did.

But perhaps the most despicable thing Obama has done is to get 30 of our bravest servicemen killed in order to promote himself for re-election. After the courageous members of Navy Seal Team Six executed Osama bin Laden, Barack Obama was not satisfied to act like a responsible commander-in-chief by keeping the identity of the team secret — because he is not a commander-in-chief. He is a community organizer for radical causes turned sleazy Chicago politician, and he needed a political shot in the arm in order to get himself re-elected. So he decided to tell the whole world the branch of service in which these men served and the name of their unit! Then, a few days later, he went to a Navy base in Virginia, ostensibly to salute them. In reality, of course, it was just another campaign stop for him.
At the end of the 1970s, after three years of Jimmy Carter, America could not wait to vote for someone else. That someone turned out to be the greatest president of the 20th century. Ronald Reagan knew what he believed, was passionate about expressing it, and once in office, carried through with the goals he had articulated during the 1980 campaign.

I have been posting here on BillboTex for several months since I created this blog, voicing my concern that we Conservatives must be careful NOT to re-elect President Obama.
I have posted here that we Conservatives must not dilute our votes by voting for a candidate from a party other than the Republican Party. The Republican Party has let us down, but it’s obvious inbred weakness should not seduce voters to vote for third party candidates which have no chance to defeat Obama, therefore are actual votes FOR Obama.

I have posted here that my opinion is that Trump has no chance to be elected because of his obvious political lean left in the past. But he could become one of the greatest patriots of all time if he were to run against Obama as a Democrat, and siphon off as few as 6% of Obama’s constituents, which would probably elect the Republican candidate over Obama. It would be a sacrifice for Trump, but he has the financial means to survive the sacrifice. And he stands to benefit more than most from a return to a flourishing economy.
We wasted out opportunity on the recent budget “crisis” bill, and as I also posted here, only the Cut, Cap, and Balance Act of 2011 could have been a positive step for America which could have prevented the recent American credit downgrade, and the more recent expansion of the downgrade.
The 2012 election cycle may just be the one last opportunity to turn America around. Conservative brothers, vote wisely against Obama and against the GOP RINOs.
God Bless America
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