LMDC Board Members,
I agree with millions of like
minded American patriots who believe no “triumphal” Islamic mosque should be
built at the NYC ground zero site, against OUR wishes. It has become a sacred memorial for us, and a
triumphal cause for celebration for THEM!
You may remember as I do, the day of, and the days after the cowardly
murder of innocent Americans on 9/11, the spontaneous Internet pictures and videos of
MAIN STREAM Muslims dancing in the streets all over the world, in celebration
and support for the cowardly act of Muslim terrorists?
We feel that the Muslim madrassa
should not be built in the first place, and feel PARTICULARLY that our tax
money should NOT be used to fund it, neither there, nor at any other site in
America or OUTSIDE of America. There are
MUCH better uses for American tax monies that WE give to federal government.
Most mosques, including this
one, teach Shariah Law which includes the injunction to jihad to destroy our
country, and any non-believers. It was
this very teaching in madrassas all over the world, and here in America, that
led to the 9/11 cowardly attack, and whose lingering effects your corporation
was created to REMEDY, not promote.
MAIN STREAM Muslims, accept
devious practices such as al Taqiyya, jihad, fatwas, fitna, Medina suras, requirement
of dhimmitude from “infidels”, etc., etc., which are forbidden to be used against
other Muslims, but are encouraged to be used against All “infidels”(kafir) –
which is us.
These are not principles out
of a Muslim Terrorist training manual, these are mainstream Islamic practices
the same as honor killing, women’s testimonies are worth half of a man’s
testimony in Shariah court, murders of anyone perceived to “insult” Mohammad, etc.,
Should the Park 51 project be
built, particularly with federal funds, it would trigger a feeling of Islamist
triumphalism throughout the world, almost as a punctuation mark to the hideous 9/11
If MAIN STREAM Muslims cannot
understand our point of view, they might better understand if we demanded to
build a Catholic cathedral in Mecca, near the Ka’bah, and then asked for BILLIONS
of their Saudi Rials to help fund our “project”, which we could name “Holy
American Islamic Welcome Center”.
I think THEY might understand
then ------------------- DO YOU UNDERSTAND NOW?
We urge you to cancel this
project and, particularly, to deny ANY federal funding.
Consider the sanctity of that
spot for thousands of victims’ family and friends, and for MILLIONS of
patriotic Americans.
To ignore all of us in the
interest of “political correctness” would be not only a tragic mistake, but
also YOUR decision, possibly promoting an additional source of GREAT peril to
AMERICA, and the world.
God Bless America
UPDATE! Sept 7, 2011 LMDC DENIED tax payer funding for the Park51 Project. The Muslim mosque proposal had requested $5 MILLION.
UPDATE! Sept 7, 2011 LMDC DENIED tax payer funding for the Park51 Project. The Muslim mosque proposal had requested $5 MILLION.
This fax was sent to the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation board members, POTUS, Senators Cornyn, Hutchinson, Rubio, Snowe, McConnell, Reid, Feinstein, Reed, Murray, Representatives Boehner, Cantor, Ryan, Poe, Levin, Pelosi, all GOP freshmen Representatives, and various Conservative and Liberal media outlets.
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